Warhammer Chronicles #2

Warhammer Chronicles #2

Up next in our special interview series is Dave, the technical director in our studio and a true Warhammer veteran. 1. Can you share with the community the story of how you got into Warhammer? My 1st introduction to Games Workshop came with Heroquest, which I was...
Developer Update: Changes to Energy and Scoring System

Developer Update: Changes to Energy and Scoring System

We have some exciting updates to share with you this month as we continue to refine our game. We’ve heard your feedback, and we’re committed to making things better. So, without further ado, let’s delve into the details of what’s coming your...
Warhammer Chronicles #2

Warhammer Chronicles #1

Greetings, citizens,As the 40th anniversary of Warhammer is fast approaching, we’ve interviewed our team to see how they got into playing Warhammer and why they love it so much!We start our series of interviews with Tom, a veteran of the studio and one of the first...
Developer Update: Secondary Traits

Developer Update: Secondary Traits

This has been a while in the works, but we’re incredibly excited to be releasing secondary traits for Epic & Legendary cards! This will launch in-game next week (week commencing 21/11/22). We’ve teased this before, but there were some difficulties during...
Developer Update: Introducing the Clan Leaderboard

Developer Update: Introducing the Clan Leaderboard

Today we’re here to reveal the latest new feature to hit the game, which comes in the form of an improvement to Clans; The Clan Leaderboard! We know Clans has been in need of something more since its introduction and we see this as an exciting start to expanding Clans...
Developer Update: Improvement to VFX Timings – Part 1

Developer Update: Improvement to VFX Timings – Part 1

As the game has grown over the course of the last two years, the VFX catalogue has too. The addition of new Warlords and Traits has been fairly constant and with that there has been a continual introduction of new VFX. This has meant that since the initial launch of...