Greetings, citizens,

As the 40th anniversary of Warhammer is fast approaching, we’ve interviewed our team to see how they got into playing Warhammer and why they love it so much!

We start our series of interviews with Tom, a veteran of the studio and one of the first developers of our game.

1. Can you share with the community the story of how you got into Warhammer?

My eldest brother saw someone across the street playing with Warhammer minis, which in turn got him hooked, which then filtered down to me. At the time, it was all Warhammer Fantasy stuff, but the interest was so deep I dove into all sorts of 40k lore and trivia as well, even if I didn’t immediately play.

2. What drew you to the universe?

The artwork and the grim-dark storytelling. I love fantasy and sci-fi, but specifically very hard-edged fantasy and sci-fi. Fairies and witches weren’t my thing, nor were benevolent alien species or faster-than-light travel that just worked without serious complications. The grimmer and the gorier, the more fascinated I was and am. Push imagination to the limit!

3. Which is your favourite Warhammer Faction?

Eldar or Aeldari as they are now known. I’ve always had a soft spot for the doomed race vibe, and elves in general. Elves in space? Sign me up. I can read their lore for hours at a time (shame there isn’t more of it out there!).

4. Which is your favourite Warhammer miniature?

My favourite 40k mini is probably either the Wraithlord or the Falcon, both Eldar. I love them both because they are timeless. Old kits, and rough around the edges, but they captured the feel and the aesthetic of the units so incredibly well. The faceless head on a wraithlord is so iconic, and it tells a story with so little. Similarly, the Falcon’s hull design will never go out of fashion. It’s just great.