Patch Notes 37.24

Patch Notes 37.24

Greetings, citizens,  Version 37.24 is now live! Here’s what’s included:  A new supreme commander is on the horizon. Removed some purple elements from the old UI Bug Fixes: Fixed an issue where iOS accounts were unexpectedly getting logged out. Commanders on iOS...
Patch Notes 37.24

Patch Notes 37.22

Greetings, citizens, We hope everyone had a blast during Skulls. Version 37.22 is now live, setting the stage for the upcoming Supreme Commander. We’re making some small changes to the optional adverts in-game, so that these will be available more frequently...
Patch Notes 37.24

Patch Notes 37.21

Greetings, citizens, Version 37.21 introduces the saved decks feature – allowing you to save up to three decks per warlord. Here’s what’s new: UI Introducing Saved Decks – you can now save up to 3 decks per warlord. Say goodbye to scrambling your favourite...
Patch Notes 37.24

Patch Notes 37.20

Greetings, citizens, V37.20 is here! There’s a bit less here than usual, but we’ve been busy behind the scenes, laying the foundation for what’s to come. More details are coming soon! UI New app icon Gameplay Further groundwork for upcoming supreme commanders  We’ve...
Patch Notes 37.24

Patch Notes 37.18

Greetings, citizens, Version 37.18 has arrived! Before diving into the specifics of the patch notes, we’re excited to announce that we’ve tackled the infamous Warlord killshot bug. It’s been quite the journey, but we’re pleased to confirm that...
Patch Notes 37.24

Patch Notes 37.17

Greetings, citizens, Version 37.17 is here! While we are keeping some details hidden for now, this update sets the stage for the arrival of a new supreme commander and a new modifier. Here’s what’s new:  Gameplay: Further groundwork was laid for the Supreme...