We have some exciting updates to share with you this month as we continue to refine our game. We’ve heard your feedback, and we’re committed to making things better. So, without further ado, let’s delve into the details of what’s coming your way!

Energy System

Let’s talk about the energy system. We’re making significant changes here to level the playing field. Starting from October 23rd, every player will receive 12 energy at the beginning of each campaign. This energy will refresh once every 24 hours. This change ensures that everyone has an equal opportunity to engage in campaigns, regardless of time zone and strategise without feeling rushed.

Starting energy: 12 energy at the start of each campaign.

Daily Refresh: The energy will refresh every 24 hours. 

Scoring System

We’re excited about the energy system and think this will be a really positive change, but we know that without changes to the scoring system, campaigns will still be unfair due to the fastest finger first system. So, alongside the energy changes, we’re re-introducing the alternate scoring system. We’ve fixed up some of the issues encountered last time so that ‘overkill’ damage doesn’t contribute. I.e. if an enemy card has 10 Wounds remaining and you attack for 20 damage, only 10 will contribute to your score – so it’s no longer possible to farm damage to inflate the score. We’ve also fixed some of the UI clashes, particularly in Battle Scars events. 


When a player wins:

Victory Points = ((10 + Difficulty Level) * 100 + 10 * Defeated opponent cards + Damage Dealt) * Multiplier for % of remaining wounds

Where the Multiplier for % of remaining wounds ranges from 1 to 1.35

When a player loses:

Victory Points = 10 * Defeated opponent cards + Damage Dealt

Multipliers: We’ve added multipliers to the base Campaign Victory Points (VP). Similar to what you’ve seen in Missions, these multipliers will be applied to the base Campaign VP, allowing us to include additional scoring metrics without overshadowing the overall score. 

Bodyguards killed/Damage Dealt: Inspired by our Missions, we have adapted the logic to track various performance metrics, such as bodyguard kills and damage dealt. 

Remaining Wounds: This modifier boosts your VP based on the percentage of remaining wounds at the end of the game, rewarding strategy and tactics.

Token Cards: Cards eliminated and damage dealt to token cards does not contribute to the score. (e.g. Tervigon) 

We’re truly excited about these changes and can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it. Thank you for your continued support, and we can’t wait to see you on the battlefield!

For more details regarding the scoring system, you can check out the dedicated FAQ.