Greetings, citizens,
V37.20 is here! There’s a bit less here than usual, but we’ve been busy behind the scenes, laying the foundation for what’s to come. More details are coming soon!
- New app icon
- Further groundwork for upcoming supreme commanders
- We’ve removed the one-time purchase limitations for new and existing card offers
- The speed modifier is now available starting from rank 1
- We’ve increased the overall speed for PvP campaigns by 33%
Any chance you could sort out Cawl and dark strider for PvP, this current PvP campaign is really boring, it’s just Cawl,Cawl,Dark strider,Cawl. It kinda just feels like PvP has just become pay to win and it’s just become super boring the new meta that everyone is using is triple psychic wave or just cadias vengeance and yarrick 4. It’s just becoming really boring to constantly go against the same decks, with no kind of counterplay
Chaos works well against cawl. I’ve faced him 4 times winning 2.
Do NOT nerf Cawl!!
Get lost p2w bot. Everyone want to nerf cawl. Either he got nerfed or you will be playing alone skill-issue-boy.
Half of my clan already afk because they are tired of this crao
Cawl is definitely overpowered at the moment, the fact that the damage caused by physchic wave seems to completely bypass the shielded trait even if its below the damage required to do damage through the shield through sheer damage, i had one match of PvP where i deployed 3 fresh cards and they were dead before the cawl player even attacked, Cawl is currently worse than Greyfax was on release
Primero agregar a Angron como Señor de la Guerra del Caos, nerfear la habilidad del 75% de golpe de Belisarius y que solo aplique en ataques directos no en la onda psíquica, bombardeo, golpe mortal y la peor parte que es que atraviesa los escudos como si no existieran cuando usan ese comandante, porque literalmente la gente que usa ese comandante no usa el cerebro es solo teclear para atacar y ganas, le quita lo competitivo, diversión.
Anyone alleging PvP is pay-to-win is forgetting that card levels are normalized. Cawl doesn’t seem particularly powerful to me. My deck doesn’t rely on shielding or fear, so I defeated him 3 out of my 4 encounters.
PvP campaign was satisfying for me – I got a variety of warlord opponents.
Is there any way we can have patch notes, developer updates or any communication without someone demanding a warlord change? I can’t remember any time in this apps history in which someone wasn’t demanding changes to a warlord. I remember someone demanding that the Cannoness get a nerf and of course immediately.