Battle Pass Update: A New Approach to Progression

Battle Pass Update: A New Approach to Progression

Greetings, citizens, We’ve got an important update regarding the Battle Pass that we’re excited to share with you. Starting this Monday, a couple of adjustments are coming your way, and we wanted to give you the details. We’re removing the time...
Developer Update: Removing faction restrictions from Warlord rules

Developer Update: Removing faction restrictions from Warlord rules

Citizens, we have some exciting news that will change your gameplay experience. Our team has been working hard to craft a change that will open up a realm of possibilities for your battles. As you may know, Warlord rules are traditionally only applied to cards from...
Developer Update: The Start of Cawl Season

Developer Update: The Start of Cawl Season

Greetings, Citizens,As we leave the Tomb Worlds with arms full of Archeo-tech we come to Cawl Season! Cawl himself arrives as a new Warlord, now being the first character to have both a Bodyguard and Warlord card. Bringing with him a significant amount of new Adeptus...
Developer Update: New Trait – Anti-Infantry

Developer Update: New Trait – Anti-Infantry

It’s been quite some time since we’ve revealed a new trait, and just in time for Christmas! So it’s my great pleasure to introduce the Anti-Infantry trait! Operating in a similar fashion to Big Game Hunter, the rule reads as follows: “When this card attacks a card...
Patch Notes 37.12

Patch Notes 37.12

Greetings, citizens, Our new version, 37.12, is out, bringing you a few new things and more small improvements.  Here’s what’s new:  User Interface: New App Icon: The Silent King demanded a makeover.  Gacha Pool Information: We’ve made the...
Developer Update: Canoptek Season

Developer Update: Canoptek Season

Greetings, Citizens,Leaving the webway we find ourselves on an awakening Tomb World with the Necrons ready to reconquer the galaxy, led by none other than the Silent King! So, without further delay, let’s dive into the changes: Balance Changes Necron: Scuttling...