Greetings, Citizens,

Leaving the webway we find ourselves on an awakening Tomb World with the Necrons ready to reconquer the galaxy, led by none other than the Silent King!

So, without further delay, let’s dive into the changes:

Balance Changes


Scuttling Assistant – Plasmacyte Reanimator

+10 Wounds

Although a relatively new card, the littlest medic may be a bit too small, so a small bump in health is never a bad thing..

Virus Carrier – Flayed One

+10 Melee

Despite having the fear trait, the Flayed One isn’t that scary in melee, so a decent bump should help it flay its opponents a bit better.

Dimensional Assassin – Deathmark Assassin

+8 Range

Adding a bit more firepower helps give this ambush predator the feeling of phasing into the battlefield, making a devastating shot, and then disappearing again.

Carrion Flight – Tomb Blade Scout

+15 Range

One of the oldest Necron cards which has fallen behind a bit. A significant ranged boost, along with its range scout, should let it come in for a big one-turn hit.

Apparition Construct – Canoptek Wraith

+10 Melee

Increasing its melee should have more impact on it on the field and when it triggers its deathblow.

Enforcer of Vengeance – Triarch Praetorian

+10 Wounds, +5 Range, +5 Melee

Of the two Praetorians, this one is noticeably lagging behind. An all-round boost should help it out and see it as a more competitive low-midrange pick.

Marshal of the Host – Royal Warden

+30 Wounds, +10 Range, +5 Melee

Noticeably the weakest of the Necrons Inspiring Presence, a strong general boost should help make it an easier pick and fill that valuable slot of a mid-cost IP card well.

Orikan the Diviner – Cryptek

+20 Wounds, +10 Melee

With a lot of competition for Necron medic cards, Orkian is somewhat behind other picks, adding a decent melee boost with a good amount of additional wounds should help give him more of a niche as a damage dealer as well.

Nihilist Reaper – Lokhust Heavy Destroyer

+25 Wounds

Berserk cards always want more wounds, so the Lokhust Destroyer gets a decent amount more to help it stay on the field and rack up those stacks.

Unending Fury – Skorpekh Destroyer

+25 Wounds

In a similar vein, Unending Fury is also receiving a chunk more wounds.

Illuminor Szeras – Architect of Biotransference 

+10 Range, +10 Melee

As one of the most expensive Medics, Szeras needs to be able to justify his spot, so a decent all-round increase to his attacks should help him fill a useful battlefield role, as well as a support card.


This season Aeldari have a strong internal balance as well as a high overall win and play rate, so there is no need for any buffs this season.


Honoured Aun’vessol – Ethereal

+10 Wounds

As the least popular of the T’au inspiring presence cards, a bump in health should help it stay on the field a bit longer and support its role while in play.

Servants of the Emperor:

Jarran Kell – Right Hand of Creed

+5 Range, +5 Melee

With a range of low-mid-cost Inspiring Presence cards to choose from for Servants of the Emperor, giving the Right Hand of Creed a bit more punch should help him stand out.

Gregor Eisenhorn – Imperial Inquisitor

+30 Wounds, +14 Range, +14 Psychic, +14 Melee

Long overdue to have his Omni levels baked into his base stats; the legendary can feel like that once again.

Space Marines:

Skarin the Reaper – Thunderwolf Cavalry

+20 Wounds

While cheaper Space Marines are high in demand, Skarin has fallen behind a bit, so a bump in health should help him out and maximise his Berserk trait.

Brother Alasteir – Inceptor

+10 Wounds

For a suit of flying Gravis armour Brother Alasteir is a bit on the light side so a few more wounds should help him out.


Scillax Truthbearer – Dark Commune Iconarch

+4 Range, +4 Wounds

While having a huge wounds pool for his cost, Scillax’s lack of offensive power may be holding him back, so a small but meaningful increase in damage output should help him out.

Eternal Wrath – War Dog Brigand

+10 Range

While the giant land snail has never had any issue with staying on the field, its damage output has been a bit underwhelming. A decent attack buff should give it a bit more utility than just a roadblock.


Orks are also in a position of a strong win and play rate this Season, with good internal balance, so need no further support for the moment.


Malachus – Kelermorph

+15 Wounds, +8 Range

Taking a little of the glass out and putting more in the cannon should make Malachus a devastating 1-turn drop able to wipe out most targets with support.

First Defiance – Achilles Ridgerunner

+30 Wounds, +12 Range

Somewhat lacking behind other epic cards of the same cost point in other factions, the Ridgerrunner is getting meaningful increases to both its Wounds and Range.

Leagues of Votann:

While still getting the least amount of games in by some margin, it’s hard to pick cards for balance. That said, when they are being taken out, they seem to be performing strongly, leaving little concern or need for changes currently.