Greetings, citizens,  

Introducing the Warp Storm modifier, an addition that brings a surge of warp energy to the battlefield. Skilled psykers can now assail their foes with relentless waves of otherworldly power. 

While similar to Aura of Rage, this modifier focuses on psychic abilities. The modifier rules are simple: 

“At the start of every turn, all deployed cards gain +5 psychic attack.”

So, how does it work? The Warp Storm modifier triggers at the beginning of every turn, and upon activation, all deployed cards gain a cumulative increase in their psychic attack. Cards with psychic attacks benefit from the increasing power, while those without it don’t receive any advantage.

With everything mentioned, the first event with the new modifier will be on the 8th of March – Fall of Shadowbrink.

Hope you enjoy these new changes, and let us know what you think!