The new season will start on Monday, November 25th.

Greetings, citizens,
Disgusted by the poor use of steel and machinery by the Orks in the Evil Sunz Season, the Iron Hands have taken to the field to show what true mechanical might looks like! They’ve also been emboldened by the news of ancient Terran customs being discovered by the Brotherhood of Mars describing a holy day named “Tanks Giving” and the Iron Hands can think of no better gift than receiving an armoured war engine.
With that, we’ll get stuck into the balance changes looking at a range of Space Marines, particularly with a Ranged focus, including the two Iron Hands in game. Beyond the Seasonal Space Marine buff, we’ve also got a number of impactful trait changes in other factions and a small buff to a Supreme Commander.

Space Marines
Brother Crusaius – Ultramarines Centurion Devastator
-3 Cost
One of the original cards on release, Crusiaus, has never been adjusted (other than receiving Barrage on the traits release), and this has left him very expensive compared to the other options now available. As an original card, many players are likely to have him at a high level, and this may make him more usable in ranged decks.
Brother Mhorkar – Legion of the Damned Legionnaire
+10 Range, +10 Melee
Another classic, and one of the original Space Marine Fear cards. In a similar fashion, many cards have surpassed the Legion of the Damned since the early game, and where Fear by itself was enough of a unique selling point, his damage just doesn’t compete now. A hefty damage increase should give Mhorkar a much more fiery punch.
Brother Baraqiel – Dark Angels Intercessor
+10 Wounds, +10 Range
Slightly newer, and by his usage stats, a card that players are trying to use, but without much success and all round buff should help with his all round viability.
Sword Brother Teutonis – Black Templars Sword Brethren
-3 Cost
While not a ranged card, Teutonis has obviously snuck into the queue hearing about buffs for Space Marines with Black Armour, and the tech priests were too scared to correct him. Again another card competing with a lot of similar cards, and since his raw stats are very strong and price decrease seems like the logical place to go.
Iron Chaplain Furnous – Iron Hands Chaplain
-2 Cost
Now we get to the Iron Hands themselves. Similarly, Chaplain Furnos has a good stat sheet, but compared to the other character cards in the 20s is a bit underwhelming. Space Marines can make good use of Regeneration, so being able to bring it to the field for less points should make him much more appealing.
Malkaan Feirros – Iron Hands Master of the Forge
+10 Range, +10 Melee
Already on the cheaper side and with good durability, the main issue for Feirros is his damage output. Keeping his evenly balanced attack stats with this buff should now see him as a very potent option at a good price point for Space Marine decks looking for a flexible dual attack type build.
Severus Agemman – Captain in Terminator Armour
-40 Wounds, +10 Range, +10 Melee
A familiar card when it comes to balance changes, Agemman is nearly there. Having settled firmly on his dual damage traits, giving him his unique identity, he still isn’t hitting the mark. And that’s quite obvious because if you want a card with two damage traits, you want it to have good damage output. So we’re shaving off a chunk of his impressive health, and redistributing that into his attack stats which should make his traits much more impactful.
Aethayad – Wraithlord with Heavy Weaponry
Trait Change: Big Game Hunter -> Regeneration
A longstanding Aeldari card that has always been in the red for balance attention. After many adjustments to stats and cost with no effect, Aethayad is having his identity changed a bit with a trait swap. Aeldari doesn’t lack high-impact damage, so the primary trait of BGH wasn’t much of a unique selling point. What Aeldari does lack is significantly durable cards. A big card like this with Regeneration does just that and matches the theme with the other Wraith constructs.
Azadaar Silverhelm – Shining Spear Aspect Warrior
Trait Change: Scout -> Shield
Similarly, Silverhelm has been toeing the line for a long time with the lower end of Aeldari competitiveness. With a similar approach, we’ve taken the Shining Spear rule of always being -1 to hit, along with a baked-in invulnerable save to turn him into a Shield card. Shield is a trait that is very rare for Aeldari, with good reason, so we’ll see how this one works, but overall makes Azadaar a much more viable piece in almost any list.
Servants of the Emperor
Trajann Valoris – Captain-General of the Adeptus Custodes
Guardians of the Golden Throne: When above 50% Wounds, increase attack by 20->25%. When below 50%, reduce damage taken by 20->25%.
With the buffs to the Lion and Guilliman, both have seen their win rates stabilise in Ranked. While they are both in the lower end of competitiveness it’s no longer a noticeable drop-off like before. That now just leaves one Warlord in that category, which is Supreme Commander Trajann. Given how new Trajann is, we’ve been more conservative in his buff; however, it should be enough to bring him to that same point of stable lower-end competition.
UR-025 – Imperial Robot
+10 Range
Also sneaking into the queue around for Iron Hands, UR-025 has taken that description as literally as the sons of Medusa do. Not wanting to turn it away, UR-025 is getting a nice buff to its Ranged enhancing its Precision Shot alongside its already durable profile.
Striking Tendril – Genestealer Cults Goliath Rockgrinder
-3 Cost
A potentially attractive option, particularly when looking to fill out a full Cults roster, the Rockgrinder is a bit too fragile for the investment, and a big part of that is it straying into BGH hunter range. Taking it out of that spot should make it much more viable and help support its squishy brethren.
Specimen: LV-560-KP-Ω – Hive Fleet Leviathan Psychophage
Trait Change: Barrage -> Fear
Another card getting a trait change, the Psychophage was a bit of an outlier with Barrage when Ranged was its lower stat, and while Berserk could enhance this, it wasn’t meaningful enough to make a noticeable difference. Moving Barrage to Fear, along with the pairing of Berserk should make this an extremely potent card in the later levels, but with Fear being the secondary trait, it shouldn’t be too oppressive even at max level.
Cards added to the general pool:
DoakhYe Trosk
Kroot Trail Shaper
Ohrak’tcha Yabek
Kroot Lone-Spear
Servants of the Emperor
Trajann Valoris
Captain-General of the Adeptus Custodes
The Beast Killer
House Raven Knight Gallant
Parradon Talorn
Adeptus Custodes Telemon Heavy Dreadnought
Kraznag da Maniak
Snakebite Clan Beastboss
Heart Thief
Mandrake Nightfiend
Mandrake Shadeweaver
Mandrake Warrior
Mandrake Chooser of the Flesh
Space Marines
Ultramarines Predator Annihilator
Blood Angels Baal Predator
Specimen: LV-117-AL-Ξ
Barbed Hierodule
When will SC Ghosar be fixed (IP still nit working)? When will campaigns not be locked behind paywall/RNG? When will VP scoring be addressed? Why is nothing communicated other than “we know”! I am sadly putting my foot down and not participating in anymore battle passes, ads or even looking at the store until something meaningful comes from the development team. I am just one, but maybe others will join. I miss what this game was and sad to see what it has become over the past year.
Can we add leaderboards and global chat to the game?
I’m incredibly bored with space marines.
Boooooo. Can we stop having space marines for the battle pass. We always get space marines. We either get space marines or a battle pass with space marines mixed in. Give neurons some love ffs
Nah. They want to sell battle passes. Why should they sell half as many coz you like “neurons”?
How about a September 20, 2025 release date for Gabriel Angelos…a celebration of 24 years since the release of Dawn of War?
Changes in this update look to be okay. I still feel that some of the most expensive units in the game arent worth their points costs (i.e. anything over 80 points should have significant attack power and health that is 3-5x their max attack value).
Another SM BP. Yeah, I’ll pass.
Still no Eldar special Warlord and those card changes are awful. BGH to Regen and shields on a card that was already gutted from BGH an age ago. Eldar are meant to be glass cannons. If you’re concerned about their survivability then toss in a few more heal options.
When will campaigns not be locked behind pay walls? When will SC Ghosar be fixed (still no IP)? When will scoring be fixed for VP? When will anything start being communicated other than “we know”? I for one will be skipping this BP and am sad to do so, but with the poor state of this game for the past year I cant justify anymore money going into the developers pockets until some real changes are made. I’m sadden it has come to this, but hopefully others will understand and changes can be made.
Honestly, feel the trajaan changes aren’t enough. We’ll see though. Good balance patch though.
How much longer can this go on… Necrons are sitting without new items, Eldar are not given SC and new cards (hello Corsairs), many commanders are still at the bottom of the rating because of the rules. But again there is a buff to the Space Marines and a direction to donate. Where are the new abilities? Commanders? Balance of commanders? But it used to be so interesting: an event and in it a new stern commander, who is discussed and thought about how to pass. There were mandatory cards in the deck for their test. And now they have become passable. Knights were put on the shelves without any attempts to change, Skarbrand was completely demoted to a card.
Happy tanks giving
Don’t touch Aethayad
Last I checked Games Workshop was British. Why is there a thanksgiving battlepass? And why is it bloody Space Marines again? Give us a Ynnari or Drukhri battlepass.