The new season will start on Monday, September 30th.

Greetings, citizens,
After a Season of scrutiny from the Inquisition, it has been deemed necessary to dispatch the Angels of Death, and none of the Astartes embody this title more than the Blood Angels.
This Season we’ll be looking at some overdue buffs for the oldest in the Blood Angels range, and you can also expect a big expansion in their roster over the coming season!
Following on from last season, the cards being added to the general pool are also listed here and will be going forward!
Let’s get stuck in!
Space Marine
Brother-Sergeant Avernus – Blood Angels Assault Terminator
+10 Wounds, +6 Melee
One of the first cards every player unlocks, Avernus quickly gets dropped as a player progresses. Hopefully, a buff to both Wounds and damage output should make him more attractive further into the game!
Brother Ebellius – Blood Angels Terminator
+5 Range
The second of the two classic Blood Angels Terminators, Ebellius is another one that’s easy to overlook in the large Space Marine roster in the 10-20pts range. As a low-cost Barrage Infantry, every extra point of Ranged output can make a huge difference, so a decent Ranged buff should make him more viable.
Brother Gorjan – Blood Angels Hellblaster
-1 Cost
Talking of Blood Angels Ranged options, it doesn’t get more classic than Gorjan. A small reduction in cost is always welcome and helps with fitting him into Tolmeron decks where he wants to be to maximise your deck size!
Furio – Blood Angels Baal Predator
-4 Cost
And that’s a great lead into another good Tolmeron option, also getting a points drop. While a newer card, on reflection, the Baal Predator may be a bit on the pricey side, and as mentioned, we want to make sure to maximise your deck size when building a Tolmeron deck! Even outside of Tolemron, more for less is always great!
Cassor the Damned – Blood Angels Death Company Dreadnought
-4 Cost
Finally, we can’t talk about classic Blood Angels cards without talking about Cassor! One of the original Space Marine melee powerhouses, he’s fallen behind over time, but hopefully, now a significant price drop can get him back in the spotlight and fit in with other great options without too much deck sacrifice!
Moving on to the wider card pool, we’ve got a more diverse selection of cards being buffed across most factions and a long overdue Warlord change.
Quiz Ignyss – Kabalite Heavy Gunner
+10 Wounds
A newer Aeldari card seeing a big uptick in use, but struggling to get the job done. A lot of this may be down to how fragile it is, so a bit more Wounds will definitely help it establish itself.
+10 Wounds, +5 Rrange, +5 Melee
Of the large roster of strong Aeldari cards in the 30s range, Baharroth often gets outshined despite his Legendary status. A generous all round buff should make him a much more competitive choice and feel like a Phoenix Lord should!
Tireless Resistance – Sautekh Dynasty Tesseract Vault
-5 Cost, +15 Ranged
Of the Necron Lords of War, the Tesseract stands out as being noticeably behind its peers. Costing the same as the Obelisk, it has 30 less Wounds, 21 less Range, and arguably slightly better traits. So, to fix that obvious difference, the Tesseract Vault is getting a noticeable drop in points and a significant bump to its range, which should place it on a much more even footing with the other Lord of War options.
Zah’mat T’kor – Thousand Sons Tzaangor
+5 Melee
As a non-psyker Tzeentch card, the Tzaangor has that familiar spot as a psychic support card with its psychic buff ready on psychic, but realistically doesn’t offer much more than that. Given that is how he will often be used, maximising his damage output, and therefore, Furious Charge damage makes it much more useful either as a support card or, hopefully now, moving him into general melee deck rosters, too.
Xu’Kul of the Eight Reaping – Lord of Skulls
-10 Cost
Just like the Brass Scorpion from last season, the Lord of Skulls stands out as a slightly older Lord of War, that is much pricier than a lot of other similar options. A significant cost decrease should make it much more viable, which is great given how fantastic the model is, we want to be seeing this card front and centre in more 400pt battles!
Servants of the Emperor
Belisarius Cawl
-5 Cost
Canticles of the Omnissiah: Minimum damage dealt 75 -> 60%; start of turn heal 10 -> 5%.
Cawl has been the hot topic since his release, and we’re making a long overdue decisive change to his special rule. We’ve been aiming to do a proper mechanical fix, addressing how it interacts with AoE traits, but it’s been challenging both to implement, and make time for. Rather than waiting for the right opportunity to make this change (which at this time is unknown), we’re going for an all-round nerf to the rules values. By reducing his damage output by ⅕ and defensive faction by ½ he should be much less of a menace. Given how significant this nerf is, we’re partially rolling back his initial nerf, increasing his cost by 10 to just 5. We’ll be keeping an eye on these changes and continue from there.
Specimen: LV-714-GS-Φ – Hive Fleet Leviathan Hive Tyrant
-3 Cost
Of the two Hive Tyrants, this triple-attack version is noticeably more expensive and, as such, struggles in the Tyranid roster, which is packed with choices for big bad beasties. Hopefully a decent price reduction gives this versatile card more chance to stand out.
That rounds out the balance changes, and now here’s the full list of the 10 cards being added to the general pool.
Cards added to the general pool:
Yrule the Deathly Eloquent
Harlequin Troupe Master
Space Marines
Master of Repentance
Identity Unknown
Inner Circle Companion
Master Zacharial
Dark Angels Captain in Gravis Armour
Brother Larathiel
Dark Angels Bladeguard Veteran
Brother Baraqiel
Dark Angels Intercessor
Space Wolves Wulfen Dreadnought
Ufthak Blackhawk
Seeker of Sensation
Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh
Kreen Madrach
Genestealer Cults Atalan Wolfquad
No one drops the shielded BA terminator. I see him everywhere.
This game is the sπ°? as always, thank you for keeping it fresh and fun. New cards, old cards refreshed, excellent work. Thank you, again.
Please no more humans in the battle pass, what’s the next battle pass? Tech priests? Deathwatch again? Rainbow warriors? Can we please have some love for the xenos. The only reasons I’m doing the battle pass is the for random legendary cards because then I have a chance for more zenos. Please no more humans. There are to many to make a high lvl deck with
Really wish the team would use helmeted versions of the minis for the art. The faces can be abysmal.
Regretting purchasing game pass season to only be stopped at top tier after two weeks. Then regret continuing when purchasing specific cards to roster to level up to competition level for a good chance against other players. Then sadly get card deck capped at lower power level , during live PvP event. Why bother leveling up and purchasing card packs to be forced capped to not be allowed to use at full potential??????? Thank you for doing that I will never purchase another card pack or game pass again. Gatchagames like this will hurt the GWWH40K franchise by the poor reflection of pay to play with in-app purchases. I do not need 397 cards that I will never use in the game . I should be able to trade in those cards for a new card to level up a card that I need .
Live events and game modes should never be capped or balanced to level the playing field so that everyone can have a chance. There should be a winner and a loser if the game . To level up a card and to lose because of a force capped at common power and not allow full use of card is wrong. I get it you need money to pay your bills , taxes and medical and schooling for your kids , stop in-app purchases now .
End the system , be the pioneers and get back to a real game experience. Allow all gamers worldwide to purchase the game at a specific price , for example $80. The game purchase will be the full rework of the game , a gamer can choose the Faction. The Chapter. The Characters. Build a deck . Then win cards from other factions and other characters to either build or be able to trade them in at like a rogue trader kiosk to get a card that a gamer needs to level up. To level up a card deck by gamer skill set and not by purchase of cards packs and game pass. This type of gameplay is a horrible reflection on GWWH40K. I can only hope that my Nemesis Claw Kill Team during a tabletop game never gets capped at common balancing so that all tournament participants can get a medal that they played a great game that day no matter if they won or lost , because all tournament players were capped at a comfortable balanced level. That would be the end of tabletop gaming forever.
WTF?!?!?! Why bother doing that to gamers who buy card packs and game passes ?!?!?! That was not right and a horrible reality check of loss of money.
So , from this point on it is absolutely useless for me to level up anymore, I will never buy a game pass again because that only lasted two weeks . I will never buy plasma again to use it to open card decks that I won during a game win.
This has turned into a bad experience that I probably share with many other gamers. Your server problems were bad and now I regret putting money into this game . I can never in good conscience ever recommend a game like this to my Tabletop Friends. This game has turned into Tacticus and the horrible experience that is as well. Both games are a poor reflection and representation of GWWH40K. Tacticus is another game that is restricted and forced. These game systems of chance algorithms to maybe possibly give you a win or a loss can kill a franchise. It is based on chance percentages , it is like rolling dice but with algorithms. It works against a gamer.
A gamer will never really have a fun gaming experience. Baiting gamers by game passes and upgrades to get forced into either not playing or not using full potential is a game killer.
Horrible experience, please do not respond to this comment report.
This type of game system was put into place and no one really f&$king cares about what I say or feel about such a sh1tty experience. I can only hope that no other gamer feels this way about in-app purchases , your company really does not care , they need money to support the careers of hundreds.
-William Kasper : Aranis Zarkan – Master of Possession formerly Ghostkat . I devoured Ghostkat’s soul it was yummy.
Dude just STFU and go play something else
How about creating a PvP tournament mode? Have the tournament in bracket form and a maximum of 20 players per tournament, single elimination and prizes for the top 3.
I echo the sentiment regarding Space Marines and Servants of the Emperor being offered too much. For the record, the only reason Marines are popular is because their army choices are so plentiful compared to every other faction. Hell, even this “Filtered To..” campaign filtered to Gene stealers is a farce. The choices are so limited that is nearly impossible if not entirely impossible to use all your deck points never mind building a list that suits your Warlord. Next time you want to roll out another redundant Space Marines, perhaps think about adding another LoV Warlord?
Wouldnt it be easier to nerf Cawl by simply limiting the minimum damage effect to the card in front of each bodyguard? Similar to how Fear trait works. I guess there must be a difference, otherwise this would seem the most obvious solution
New season starts on 30th September? Errr, it would appear not, according to your servers…
Well I agree with Call minimum level of attack power, but I think making his heal too weak is bad for him. I think you should change it to 7% of card hp