The Hive Fleet has descended, and their numbers are innumerable! Expect to face a huge number of opponents, and don’t expect to win. After each match, you will progress to the next level regardless of the result. This means that there is no chance to reattempt each level, and each battle will be different!

Each level is heavily themed and may require a different approach. To make sure you all have the best chance of dealing maximum damage before your inevitable demise, we have a small overview of each wave of the Horde. Each brief is not the whole picture, but gives the core theme and elements to prepare around. We want to make sure you have the best chance, and plenty of fun!
Good luck; you’re going to need it!
Horde I
Lead Organism: Hive Tyrant
General Composition: Endless Gaunts
Expect: Termagant; Hormagaunts
Primary Characteristics: Endless
Horde II
Lead Organism: Genstealer Patriarch
General Composition: Mixed Infantry Assault
Expect: Hybrids, Aberrants
Primary Characteristics: Mixed
Horde III
Lead Organism: Tervigon
General Composition: Termagants
Expect: Termagants [All varieties]
Primary Characteristics: Endless
Horde IV
Lead Organism: Parasite of Mortrex
General Composition: Preliminary Assault Organisms
Expect: Genestealers, Lictor Variants
Primary Characteristics: Furious Charge
Horde V
Lead Organism: Jackal Alphus
General Composition: Infantry Ambush
Expect: Specialist Infantry, Mounted Support
Primary Characteristics: Endless, Scout, Outflank
Horde VI
Lead Organism: Swarmlord
General Composition: Heavy Infantry
Expect: Guard Variants, Warriors
Primary Characteristics: Mixed
Horde VII
Lead Organism: Hive Tyrant
General Composition: Airborne Assault
Expect: Gargoyles
Primary Characteristics: Endless
Horde VIII
Lead Organism: Genstealer Patriarch
General Composition: Heavy Infantry
Expect: Genestealers, Aberrants
Primary Characteristics: Fear, Berserk
Horde IX
Lead Organism: Tervigon
General Composition: Explosive Artillery
Expect: Support Fire, Mines, Venomthropes
Primary Characteristics: Barrage, Deathblow, Poison
Horde X
Lead Organism: Parasite of Mortrex
General Composition: Infantry Swarm with Monstrous Support
Expect: Hormagaunts, Carnifexes
Primary Characteristics: Endless, Berserk
Horde XI
Lead Organism: Jackal Alphus
General Composition: Combined Assault
Expect: Specialist Infantry, Mounted Support
Primary Characteristics: Scout, Outflank, Big Game Hunter
Horde XII
Lead Organism: Swarmlord
General Composition: Synapse Nexus
Expect: Zoanthropes, Maleceptors
Primary Characteristics: Psychic Link, Psionic Blast
Horde XIII
Lead Organism: Hive Tyrant
General Composition: Infantry Swarm with Monstrous Support
Expect: Termagants, Heavy Ranged Specialist
Primary Characteristics: Endless, Barrage
Horde XIV
Lead Organism: Genstealer Patriarch
General Composition: Combined Assault Force
Expect: Mounted Strike Force, Aberrants
Primary Characteristics: Furious Charge, Berserk, Scout
Horde XV
Lead Organism: Tervigon
General Composition: Psychic Monstrosities
Expect: Zoanthropes, Larger Synapse Creatures
Primary Characteristics: Psychic Link, Psionic Blast
Horde XVI
Lead Organism: Parasite of Mortrex
General Composition: Crusher Stampede with Infantry Support
Expect: Carnifexes
Primary Characteristics: Endless, Berserk
Horde XVII
Lead Organism: Jackal Alphus
General Composition: Combined Assault
Expect: Specialist Infantry, Mounted Support
Primary Characteristics: Scout, Outflank, Big Game Hunter
Lead Organism: Swarmlord
General Composition: Elite Threats
Expect: Norns, Lictors
Primary Characteristics: Fear, Target Acquired
Horde XIX
Lead Organism: Hive Tyrant
General Composition: Airborne Supremacy
Expect: Crones, Harpys, Harridans
Primary Characteristics: Mixed
Horde XX
Lead Organism: Genstealer Patriarch
General Composition: Combined Assault Force
Expect: Rockgrinders, Aberrants, Elite Infantry Support
Primary Characteristics: Furious Charge, Berserk, Poison
Horde XXI
Lead Organism: Tervigon
General Composition: Synapse and Poison Attrition
Expect: Bio Titans, Termagants, Node Beasts
Primary Characteristics: Psionic Blast, Poison
Horde XXII
Lead Organism: Parasite of Mortrex
General Composition: Underground Assault
Expect: Raveners, Lictor Variants
Primary Characteristics: Furious Charge
Lead Organism: Jackal Alphus
General Composition: Mounted Assault with Specialist Infantry
Expect: Ridgerunners, Specialist Infantry
Primary Characteristics: Scout, Outflank, Big Game Hunter
Horde XXIV
Lead Organism: Swarmlord
General Composition: Elite Heavy Infantry
Expect: Warriors, Tyrants
Primary Characteristics: Mixed
Looks exciting
If the chaos horde campaign is anything to go by, I’ll stick to the normal gameplay mode thank you very much.
This whole event is bullshit, whoever brainfarted should be beaten with their own broken legs, thank you for taking the fun out of wh40k and leaving only the grimm.
Hahahahahaha what a salty bunch
I’m actually enjoying the new mode. Up to lvl 14, one loss so far
I can beat that. Im at lvl 1000 and have minus 15 losses so far.
i can understand the idea of these campaigns but 24 victories to reach with super long fights and with a “fast mode” too slow by far…
It’s just too much.
This game really don’t respect the time of its players.
i’ve not bought any fancy cards, just the odd battlepass over the years, and managed to place in the 30s on this event.
I don’t think people managed to figure out how to win. wasn’t easy, had a ton of fun. thank you.