Next up in our special interview series, we’re thrilled to introduce Greg, our LiveOps Manager, passionate Warhammer enthusiast, and an avid collector.

1. Can you share with the community the story of how you got into Warhammer?

Was a wide-eyed child.. walked into the Games Workshop Store and saw the miniatures on display, then I proceeded to cripple my dad’s wallet! Lol. Great memories of painting them together.

2. What drew you to the universe?

The miniatures and art as a child. Now I’m more about the design/gameplay/strategy. Also, I appreciate the relaxation of painting whilst second screening 40k YouTube content.

3. Which is your favourite Warhammer Faction?

Tyranids *nom nom* (hint: Big ‘Alien’ franchise fan)

4. Which is your favourite Warhammer miniature?

Harridan *didn’t even pause*